Parent's should fill out this checklist prior to sending their child to Roots Montessori Centre.
If the child answered “YES” to any of the above: The child is required to quarantine for 14 days from the last day of exposure.o If the child is participating in the Alberta COVID-19 International Border Pilot Project, they must comply with the program restrictions at all times. If the child develops any symptoms, use the AHS Online Assessment Tool or call Health Link 811 to determine if testing is recommended.If the child answered “NO” to both of the above: Proceed to question 3.
3. Does the child have any new onset (or worsening) of the following core symptoms: *
If the child answered “YES” to any symptom in question 3: The child is to isolate for 10 days from onset of symptoms. Use the AHS Online Assessment Tool or call Health Link 811 to arrange for testing and to receive additional information on isolation. If the child answered “NO” to all of the symptoms in question 3: Proceed to question 4.
4. Does the child have any new onset (or worsening) of the following other symptoms: *
If the child answered “YES” to ONE symptom in question 4: Keep your child home and monitor for 24 hours. If their symptom is improving after 24 hours, they can return to school and activities when they feel well enough to go. Testing is not necessary. If the symptom does not improve or worsens after 24 hours (or if additional symptoms emerge), use the AHS Online Assessment Tool or call Health Link 811 to check if testing is recommended.If the child answered “YES” to TWO OR MORE symptoms in question 4: Keep your child home. Use the AHS Online Assessment Tool or call Health Link 811 to determine if testing is recommended. Your child can return to school and activities once their symptoms go away as long as it has been at least 24 hours since their symptoms started. If the child answered “NO” to all questions: Your child may attend school, child care and/or other activities.